The offer of emergency accommodation for victims of domestic violence is expanding

In 2020, in France, 139,302 women were victims of domestic violence, of which 102 died, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior. And if the overall figure is frightening, the situation in certain territories is even more so. Thus, it is in Seine-Saint-Denis, Guyana, in the North and in Pas-de-Calais that the highest rates of domestic violence are recorded. For these last two departments, the emergency devices are multiplying to bring the victims to safety.

The departmental directorate of public security (DDSP) of Pas-de-Calais posts once a week, on its social networks, the count of people arrested each weekend for domestic violence. Between January and October 2022, 578 violent spouses were placed in police custody. In the North, for the first three months of the year, the figure had already reached 401 arrests. The first emergency measure to avoid the reiteration of the facts consists in removing the victim from the marital home.

Airbnb proposes to complete the existing offer

In Lille, for example, two accommodation and social reintegration centers have 34 accommodations reserved for single women, or women with children, with “difficult backgrounds”, including women victims of their spouses. In mainland France, a collective accommodation structure with 45 places, for women with children who are victims of domestic violence, is under construction in Armentières. A device which complements a “diffuse” accommodation offer which already accommodates 28 people in this same municipality.

Faced with the scale of the phenomenon and the lack of places in sufficient number to accommodate all the victims who so wish, Airbnb has offered its services. In seven departments (Grand Paris, Nord and Pas-de-Calais), the platform is looking for volunteer hosts who would be ready, from the end of the year, to make their accommodation available free of charge to women victims of violence. It is an equivalent device which had made it possible to accommodate 100,000 refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. “In order to encourage and support the generosity of its community”, Airbnb will put out of pocket to finance “up to 200 euros per stay”.

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