The #NoNutNovember, a challenge that consists of not masturbating for a month, is attracting more and more Internet users

It’s a challenge that makes more and more followers every year on social networks. While the month of November is traditionally devoted to
#Movember, a movement that raises awareness about male prostate and testicular cancers, another hashtag, the
#NoNutNovember has gone viral in recent days on the internet.

As its name suggests, it is a challenge for men who do not masturbate for a month (“nut” colloquially designating ejaculation in English). The rules for participating in this challenge are quite simple: you just need to refrain from ejaculating for a month, from November 1 to 30, more precisely to refrain from masturbating or having sex with ejaculation.

A popular challenge among young people

This challenge was first launched in 2010 by users of the 4chan forum, under the name “No Fap September”, but was popularized from 2017 on the American social network Reddit, then more recently on Twitter.

This year, according to the virality of the hashtag, the challenge seems to have attracted many Internet users. Like Jules, reader of 20 minutes, who tries the experiment for the first time. “I embarked on this challenge on November 1st, at midnight. It is a very popular challenge among young people, which deserves the same publicity as
the #Movember or “the month without tobacco”, because its positive impact on our health is not negligible “, specifies the young man.

“Good luck soldier, see you at the end of the month”

On Twitter, many Internet users have also indicated that they have taken up the challenge. “Good luck soldier, see you at the end of the month,” one tweeted. “Day 2 I’m becoming a new man, each temptation will cost me 20 push-ups and 20 pull-ups,” commented another. Sports influencer Tibo InShape himself tweeted on the subject, saying “don’t let go.”

According to the followers of this month of abstinence, the fact of not ejaculating for 30 days would allow you to have more energy, but also to be more efficient in bed. No scientific study has shown any benefit or negative effect of abstinence for 1 month, however, most specialists note.

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