The Nice metropolis intends to rely on luxury (but not only) to boost tourism

Since the start of the health crisis, tourism has obviously taken the hit in the Nice metropolis. This year, from January to the end of September, 1,794,862 overnight stays were sold in hotels and residences. That is 47% less than in 2019 but already 10% more than last year.

“We had expected much worse and, in the end, we largely save the furniture”, especially thanks to the French clientele, explains Denis Zanon. The director of the Metropolitan Tourist Office is now looking to the future, to accelerate the recovery despite the threat of a fifth wave of Covid-19. With three main areas of work.

Tourists who spend more

“Reasonable” tourism more than mass tourism. To revive the machine without distorting it, the office will in particular bet on a “move upmarket” and “improvement of the tourist recipe”. That is to say on visitors who would tend to spend more. “This will involve the enhancement and targeted promotion of luxury,” explains Denis Zanon. We already have everything we need to be extremely competitive with other destinations, including those nearby. There are two palaces in the metropolis, business aviation, a helipad and lots of iconic shopping brands. “

Unesco and rugby showcase

To attract visitors, the metropolis obviously plans to capitalize on the classification of Nice as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But also on its candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture 2028. “It is a long-term project that will allow us to communicate on the cultural offer, the first item consumed in urban destinations”, supports the boss of the office. The structure has already confirmed its presence at numerous events to promote it. Over the next two years, it will also focus its communication on rugby with the Top14 semi-finals, in 2022, and the World Cup, in 2023.

The mountain, which regains

The “active” and therefore sporty nature is another line of work. But after storm Alex, we still have to rebuild. “And that everything be in working order so that we can effectively promote our mountains,” explains Denis Zanon. In the meantime, we have high hopes for the winter. “

Business tourism to review

With the destruction of the Acropolis Palace in 2023, to make room for an extension of the Paillon promenade, business tourism will have to be redeployed in the city. A temporary reception area is notably planned at the Nikaia Palace, but professionals already fear an air gap. Damaging, especially since the congress activity largely supported hotel attendance in October, according to the office.

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