The municipal police set up “local police stations” with their mobile stations

Montpellier (Hérault) is reinventing community policing. The city, whose mayor, Michaël Delafosse (PS), wanted to make the reconquest of public space a priority, has acquired two new mobile stations for its municipal police. It was Philippe Saurel (various left), his predecessor, who initiated this device. These electric vans, emblazoned with the colors of the municipal police, allow agents to establish themselves temporarily, one morning or one afternoon, in a neighborhood.

The town today has three, and there will be four more before the end of his mandate, in 2026, promises Michaël Delafosse. “These are real local police stations,” notes the elected official. The objective, for the 183 municipal police officers, is to intervene more easily in the neighborhoods, or to call for reinforcement colleagues, or the national police. But also, to be seen. “To be visible, to dissuade”, explains Sébastien Cote (PS), elected to public peace. “And it works,” he says.

Inside one of the mobile stations of the Montpellier municipal police – N. Bonzom / Maxele Presse

“Only the municipal police have knowledge” of the planning of mobile stations

While some police officers are present within the mobile station, others are on patrol in the neighborhood. These vans, built especially for the city of Montpellier, will be installed on the Place de la Comédie, but also in Arceaux, Celleneuve, Lemasson, Malbosc or even Saint-Martin. But the travel schedule for these mobile stations is top secret. “Only the municipal police have knowledge” of the schedule, says Jérémie Guiraudou, the director of the municipal police. These vans will also allow the municipal police to be present during one-off events, such as the July 14 festivities or the Fise.

In Celleneuve, a resident, member of the neighborhood committee, seems satisfied with this device. “They park, they collect the complaints of the inhabitants, that creates a direct contact”, she confides. But does this deter offenders from taking action? “The most annoying delinquency, I don’t know if that really dissuades her,” resumes this resident. It bothers her a little, no doubt. But hey, they [les policiers municipaux] are only there for half a day in the neighborhood… ”

“Wednesday, I spoke with them for half an hour”

In Malbosc, a resident, also a member of the neighborhood committee, also wonders. “Maybe there is deterrence, I don’t know. “She continues:” I like it, we can go and inform them. It’s a shame, moreover, that few people stop there. On Wednesday, I spoke with them for half an hour. I learn how they work, and they learn about things that are happening in the neighborhood. “

For Jean-Marie Quiesse, president of the Ecusson and Saint-Roch district committee, these mobile stations of the municipal police are “an appreciated operation” and “ensure a presence on the square. [de la Comédie], which is not bad. I sometimes see residents going to meet the municipal police. “But” what the inhabitants are asking for is a presence at night, adds Jean-Marie Quiesse. This is the real problem. And that, for the moment, is not on the agenda.

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