The mother of an inmate she was visiting arrested with 100 grams of cannabis

She explained that she wanted to “help” her son, a long-time cannabis resin user. The mother of a detainee from the Grasse remand center was arrested on Wednesday in the visiting rooms, where she was visiting him, with nearly 100 grams of narcotics, but also a SIM card and a telephone charging cable, a- we learned from the Departmental Directorate of Public Security (DDSP) of the Alpes-Maritimes, confirming information from Nice morning.

It was a control operation with a canine unit that enabled the drugs to be intercepted. If the mother of the family could have fooled the police, she did not deceive the dog who accompanied them: 46.84 grams of cannabis resin were hidden in her underwear. The accessories were also found on her. And the search of his visitor’s locker revealed the presence of 54.82 grams of additional drugs.

Placed in police custody, she was released pending an appearance on prior admission of guilt (the “guilty plea” procedure which allows a sentence to be pronounced without a trial) or a hearing before the criminal court.

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