The ministry releases 5 million euros for the start of the 2022 school year

Good news for athletes. The Ministry of Higher Education announced on Monday that it would release 5 million euros for the start of the school year in September for the Staps sector (sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities), “as part of the 2022 strategic management dialogue”.

“Establishments that have submitted a project will benefit from one to three additional positions, writes the ministry in a press release. At the national level, 80 additional positions in the Staps sectors will be financed for the next academic year”, continues the ministry, welcoming “exceptional support, exceeding the initial commitment of 3 million euros, which is in addition to the financing of additional places already implemented since 2017”.

A response to the #StapsForgotten movement

For two years, the #StapsOubliés movement, launched to highlight the many problems of the Staps sector, has spread on social networks. In September, several Staps sectors, such as those of Rennes-2, were unable to return to school on time due to the low rate of supervision.

In a joint press release, the Anestaps student association and the C3D Staps directors and deans conference hailed “this success, the result of strong mobilization by the Staps community and constructive dialogue between its representatives, the the Minister and the Directorate General for Higher Education and Professional Integration”. However, for Anne Roger, general secretary of the Snesup-FSU union, “this envelope of 5 million is the beginning of a response, which will however be insufficient for the start of the school year next September”.

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