the mayor of Viry-Châtillon revolted after the beating of a teenager

Jean-Marc Vilain, mayor of Viry-Châtillon, was alarmed this Thursday April 4 by the violent attack suffered by a 15-year-old teenager in his town. The young man was beaten up by several people.

“He was attacked barely 100 meters from his school.” This Thursday, April 4 on BFMTV, Jean-Marc Vilain, the mayor of Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), denounced the violent attack suffered by a 15-year-old teenager around 4 p.m. in his town.

“Ultra violence”

“It’s not visible from the college. He took a path to go to his home and he was attacked by three or four people who beat him, who massacred him. It’s something scandalous thing,” he testifies.

“These people are savages. They left him between life and death,” alarms the mayor of Viry-Châtillon on BFMTV.

Jean-Marc Vilain says he is “shocked by this ultra violence (…) There is no longer any limit to what we can do to ourselves”. The mayor spoke with the mother of the victim who was “collapsed” and who accompanied her child to Necker hospital. “The prefect confirmed to me that he was in a very bad condition,” adds Jean-Marc Vilain.

No arrests have yet taken place at this time, but the mayor is making available all the recordings from the video surveillance cameras in his town to try to identify the attackers who were hooded. “We don’t know if they are college students, there is nothing to prove it at the moment,” adds the mayor.

A unit made up of psychologists, a doctor and a school nurse will be set up this Friday morning to collect the words of middle school students, moved or disturbed by this event. The head of the establishment will inform teachers and students of the situation at the same time.

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