“The Masked Singer”: Peter Kraus has “reached the goal”

“The Masked Singer”
Peter Kraus has “reached the goal”

The skunk was revealed as Peter Kraus on the third live show of “The Masked Singer”.

© © ProSieben / Willi Weber

Schlager star Peter Kraus hid under the skunk costume. In an interview, the musician talks about his time with “The Masked Singer”.

On Saturday evening (October 30th) hit and rock’n’roll legend Peter Kraus (82) was exposed in “The Masked Singer”. The musician hid behind the elegant skunk costume. The advice team around Ruth Moschner (45), Rea Garvey (48) and Steven Gätjen (49) groped in the dark during their performances – singer Michael Holm (78) or presenter Joko Winterscheidt (42) were their assumptions. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, Kraus reveals whether he was annoyed by the trio’s perplexity, how he reacted to the show request and what exciting project he is currently working on.

The advice team had no clue who might be hiding behind the skunk mask. Did that annoy you or did you like it?

Peter Kraus: I was pleased because that is actually the aim of the show. The goal is not to make a big impression as a singer, but to keep the tension going so long that nobody can figure it out. Even if I had to be half eliminated now, I would say I achieved the goal. Rea’s face, after I’ve taken off my mask, will be remembered for a long time. (laughs)

Would you have liked to continue performing or are you glad that the secret has been revealed?

Kraus: In any case, I would have loved to do a show – I had already prepared that. I would have sung “Memory” and “Wonderful Tonight” by one of my favorite stars, Eric Clapton. Well, nothing came of it. Next time then!

Did you accept immediately when the request for “The Masked Singer” came in or were you skeptical at first?

Kraus: I was skeptical, for the simple reason that I hadn’t followed the show so intensively before. So at first I couldn’t fully explain the enthusiasm for the show. But the fact that the show is so enthusiastically received around the world that you have to slip into a figure and disguise your voice is of course very appealing. And since I am a person who always wants to be there when I hear something new, I was very happy to accept the offer. I really enjoyed it.

Were you able to keep the secret from those around you or were there initiates?

Kraus: No, not at all. You can’t pass it on and I followed the rules. You are also very isolated at the station and are well looked after. Everything is well organized so that nothing really comes to light. I only got messages from a few fans who said: ‘We saw the show, can it be you? We didn’t recognize you by your voice, but you swung your hips. ‘ That was really funny.

Speaking of hip swing: you not only sang, you danced properly on stage. How did you manage to perform so energetically at the age of 82?

Kraus: There are actually no tips – you sweat just like a youngster. The costume is heavy and the head is tight. I honestly have to admit: I put my head on for five minutes, then ten, then just kept extending the time. It takes getting used to. In the show you sometimes have it on longer, I don’t want that every day.

Do you have any guesses as to who might be hiding under the other masks?

Kraus: I also feel in the dark. It wasn’t an easy task for me, I was very focused. The songs were all brand new to me – it wasn’t like going on stage and singing your repertoire. I concentrated fully on myself and didn’t even hear other people sing – so not consciously. I’ll watch it on TV next Saturday and try to guess as well.

Do you still have a favorite?

Kraus: Of course I noticed that the heroine, for example, sings very well. Everything is fantastic, there are good people in it.

In terms of masks, I actually found mine to be the fanciest. (laughs) Because it was an elegant figure. I would not have chosen any other character. Slim and elegant – you can make more of it. The figure suited me.

The teddy had to suspend the show on Saturday due to the corona. Were you afraid of contracting the coronavirus as well?

Kraus: We were tested every day when we entered the building. We were immediately told that the infection took place before the person was even in the studio.

Could you envision becoming part of the advice team in the future?

Kraus: No, I can’t. I am too ignorant of the possibilities of who might be in the costumes for that. I don’t know as many people as, for example, a Rea. I’m pretty set in my musical directions too and love the music I’ve loved for a long time. I’m also currently working very hard on a swing record that will come out next year. But I’m not someone who has an incredible knowledge of pop music.

Can you already reveal something about your upcoming album?

Kraus: We’re working on something really crazy. We’re making a CD, I can tell, which will be called “Idole”. These are the performers from around the world and from Germany who inspired me between the ages of eight and 15. That was Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Samy Davis Jr., and many more. I added German lyrics to their songs and we are now recording them in a “swinging” style. It’s a lot of fun. This is an adoration of the idols who, so to speak, “led me on the right path”.

Do you allow yourself a break after “The Masked Singer” or do you continue working on your album?

Kraus: I’m going to the studio today. You have to stay on the ball – it’s also fun.


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