The man who shouted at Macron “Shame on you!” You are an atheist ”will not be prosecuted

Visiting the sanctuary of Lourdes on Friday afternoon, the President of the Republic was insulted by a man. While Emmanuel Macron listened to the troupe of the musical “Bernadette de Lourdes” surrounded by a crowd of pilgrims, a
man started screaming “Shame on you, Mr. President! It is a scandal ! You are an atheist, a primary atheist, you have no reason to be there ”.

Witnesses had tried to silence him before the security services took him out. As he struggled, he injured a Sanctuary guard as the crowd rushed to applaud the President. According to The Republic of the Pyrenees, the man will not be prosecuted, the public prosecutor of Tarbes having decided to close the case without continuation.

Traveling in the Drôme last June, Emmanuel Macron had been slapped by a man, who had yelled “Montjoie! St Denis ! “And” Down with macronie “. This 28-year-old man was sentenced to eighteen months in prison, four of which were closed and imprisoned.

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