The LUNC community cracks up after Binance will increase collecting 1.2% Trading Tax to burn tokens.

After Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, CEO of Binance introduced a fixed 1.2% Trading Tax on LUNC trading that can be burned to reduce the token’s total supply. and improve price efficiency, according to the CEOsay

“We will add an opt-in button. [บน Binance] So that people can choose to pay 1.2% tax on their LUNC trades.”

However, there was a crack in the LUNA community as some supported CZ’s decision, while others interpreted it as a market manipulation by centralized authorities.

CZ supports burning LUNC, but believes the community vote will allow traders on the platform to reach a conclusion, adding that “we listen and protect our users.” Unless the changes are made on all exchanges and on the network, LUNC traders will want to move their assets to other exchanges that are not burned.

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