The left supports Guillaume Meurice, threatened with dismissal after a joke about Netanyahu – Libération

After a column on Sunday calling the Israeli Prime Minister a “Nazi without a foreskin,” the France Inter comedian is suspended from the air before an interview that could lead to his dismissal. From rebels to socialists, the left defended it.

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We live in a wonderful time where a comedian, in this case Guillaume Meurice, can be summoned by his management, in this case Radio France, after a joke. The troublemaker is suspended from the air before an interview prior to a possible sanction which could go as far as dismissal. In question, his joke on the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, reclassified at the end of October in a humorous column by “Nazi without foreskin”. Referring to the dismissal of the complaint against him for anti-Semitism after said column, he repeated the comparison on the air on Sunday.

Since this announcement, a large part of the left has defended the comedian. Socialists, ecologists and rebels immediately gave their support to Meurice and defended freedom of expression. “Being Charlie means accepting that jokes can hurt, offend convictions, provoke prohibitions. We stood up to preserve this right,” reacted for example the green Sandrine Rousseau. Near At Pol, Manon Aubry protests: “But it’s a crazy thing! Getting fired for making jokes? !”

Even Clément Beaune, not really the funniest of Renaissance, finds this “weird” and said to himself “not a fan of the measure” dismissal. These are, it seems, the dangerous Wokists who want to import from the United States “their North American ideology”, to use the words of Gabriel Attal. It is clear that in terms of ideas from across the Atlantic, France seems to be drawing more inspiration lately from supporters of a certain good-natured McCarthyism than from campus demonstrators.

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