“The Killer” with Michael Fassbender: First trailer released

“The Killer” with Michael Fassbender: First trailer for the action hit released

Watch the video: “The Killer” – assassin thriller from “Fight Club” director David Fincher in the trailer.

“The Killer” starring Michael Fassbender has been eagerly awaited for months. The newly released first trailer already gives promising insights into David Fincher’s new film.

Just in time for the start of the Venice Film Festival, Netflix has released the long-awaited first trailer for the action thriller “The Killer”. It promises the usual neo-noir flair, a gloomy atmosphere and a merciless Michael Fassbender who, as a contract killer, will stop at nothing.

Michael Fassbender as a merciless killer

You can see Fassbender trying not to lose his mind after an unsuccessful assassination attempt. Again and again one hears a voice telling him: “Stick to your plan”, as well as various instructions such as “Trust no one”, “Never give away an advantage”, “Weakness is vulnerability” or “Only fight the battle for which you… get paid” – valuable advice against the background that Fassbender suddenly went from the hunter to the hunted himself after his missed shot.

Michael Fassbender

© Courtesy of Netflix

The new film by “Mindhunter” maker David Fincher celebrates its world premiere on September 3 at the Venice International Film Festival. In addition to Fassbender, other stars such as Brad Pitt, Tilda Swinton and Monique Ganderton were involved in the comic adaptation. So the signs are good that the new Fincher’s Netflix flick becomes another hit.

“The Killer” – another collaboration between Fincher and Netflix

This isn’t the first time Fincher has worked with Netflix. In 2020 he published the black and white drama “Mank” in cooperation with the streaming platform.

The highlights of his career as a filmmaker to date include the mystery thriller “Gone Girl – The Perfect Victim”, the science fiction classic “Alien 3” as well as the crime thriller “Sieben” and the psychological thriller “Fight Club”.

“The Killer” will be available in American cinemas from October 27th, and then also in Germany as a stream on Netflix from November 10th.

+++ Also interesting +++

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