The government facing a “trade union front”, demonstrations in sight

Reconciliation seems impossible and confrontation inevitable. The unions are already planning to take to the streets against the pension reform that the government will unveil on Tuesday. The main point of disagreement: the legal age of departure which could be postponed to 64 years.

“If Emmanuel Macron wants to make it his mother of reforms (…) for us it will be the mother of battles”, thus warned the boss of FO Frédéric Souillot, opposed to this reform like all the trade union organizations and the oppositions, except the right more conciliatory.

68% of French people are against postponing the retirement age

More than two-thirds of French people (68%) are against the postponement to 64, according to an Ifop-Fiducial poll. “There will be no deal with the CFDT” in the event of the legal age being postponed and “we will do everything to make the government back down”, also warns its leader Laurent Berger. All the unions defend an increase in employer contributions, a track also mentioned by the High Commissioner for Planning François Bayrou, but dismissed by the executive.

The boss of the CGT Philippe Martinez is ironic about the “feat” of the executive which brings the unions together in action for the first time in twelve years. “The union and political front will be totally united in this battle”, promised on BFM TV LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard. And Marine Tondelier, number one of EELV, to launch: “Our sneakers are ready”.

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