“The gentleman would like to know who ordered this coffee…” Nicole Ferroni’s funny pub crawl

In front of the bar Les Danaïdes, in the Réformés district of Marseille, it’s the crowd of great evenings. But it’s only 4 p.m., and if all these Marseillais are queuing at the entrance to the bar, it’s not because they can’t wait to drink a beer or a coffee afterwards. their working day. At least, it’s not just for that.

At the bottom of the troquet, on a small improvised platform, comedian Nicole Ferroni gives what constitutes the very first date of her bar tour. Until Sunday, as part of a collaboration with the Théâtre du Gymnase de Marseille which organizes, during its closing time, performances in different places in Marseille, the Aubagnese artist is settling down in Marseille and offering: “It’s my round, I offer you a verse”. Free one-hour sessions during which Nicole Ferroni offers poetry readings, of her own or of Marseille authors who all evoke the city of Marseille.

An ode to balaclavas

And for this first date, devoted to the female figures of Marseille, it is an understatement to say that we are far from the cozy atmosphere of the France Inter studio in which Nicole Ferroni has for years written her chronicles every morning during the morning show. . “The gentleman would like to know who ordered this hazelnut”, laughs the comedian in full reading, while the waiter tries to make his way, a little lost. The audience is so large that some have even managed to literally poke their heads through the bar’s windows to watch the show.

The texts are however as incisive and committed as those which made the comedian famous on the airwaves of France Inter, from the remix of Organized band feminist version to the strike of the cigar women of the Belle de Mai, passing by an ode in verse to the hood, signed Nicole Ferroni. “Thank you to all these cagoles who perpetuate the fight even if they are dressed a little like… Cagoles! A wave of laughter runs through the room between two sips of beer.

” It reassures me “

A somewhat special atmosphere that visibly galvanizes the artist, if we are to believe the ease tinged with humor that she demonstrates… foolproof. “I haven’t done a solo show for a long time, openly confides to 20 minutes Nicole Ferroni. And I know it comes from a kind of fear of confronting the public. I refuse an obstacle. With this formula, I am reconciled with the people I have in front of me, which I did not have on the radio for that matter. I feel that people are very into it. And that reassures me. »

The diagnosis seems good, to believe the many compliments that rain spontaneously, the microphone barely disconnected. “Not only are you distracting us, but you are also quenching our thirst! », Enthuses a spectator. “It’s unusual, this format, but I like it,” says another. I really like this bistro atmosphere. And I think we’ll be back! “Nicole Ferroni indeed still occurs in ten bars of the city, morning and evening, with in particular a long version offered to the bravest at 8:30 am this Sunday at the Grandes tables de la Friche.

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