The French and American foreign ministers will meet this Thursday at the UN

The American and French Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Antony Blinken and Jean-Yves Le Drian, will have a tête-à-tête Thursday in New York, the day after a joint declaration by their presidents to end the crisis between Paris and Washington, a an American official announced on Wednesday.

The two men had “a good exchange” Wednesday evening on the sidelines of a meeting of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, and “we expect them to have a moment together again, bilaterally. “Thursday, the official told reporters. Until then, such a meeting, however facilitated by the holding of the United Nations General Assembly, seemed very uncertain.

On Wednesday evening, the two presidents Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden spoke by phone. The conversation ended with the publication of a joint statement, announcing in particular the return of the French ambassador to Washington next week. The recognition of a slight mea culpa on the part of the American president seems to have been able to relax the atmosphere between the two countries, plunged into a diplomatic crisis of unprecedented intensity for a week.

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