The extension of the health pass voted in first reading

It passes for the pass. At the end of a sleepless night marked by bitter debates, the National Assembly adopted this Friday at first reading the new anti-Covid-19 bill, which provides for the controversial extension of the health pass and the vaccination obligation for caregivers.

Senators’ turn

The deputies voted in first reading this 9th anti-Covid-19 text since March 2020 by 117 votes for and 86 against. It is now in the hands of the senators, who must examine it from this Friday for a final adoption that the executive wishes to record by the end of the weekend, in the face of the soaring rise of the epidemic due to the spread of the Delta variant.

Strongly contested by a fringe of public opinion, the bill reflects the announcements of July 12 by Emmanuel Macron. If the vaccination obligation extended to caregivers, firefighters or even professionals working with the elderly is almost unanimous, this was not the case for the extension of the health pass (complete vaccination course or recent test), planned for at the beginning of August in coffee shops and the object of strong criticism from the left to the extreme right.

With nearly 1,200 amendments tabled on the bill, the debates were anything but appeased in the hemicycle, where left and right denounced a discussion started since Wednesday afternoon, at a forced march.

2,000 cases were identified in twenty-four hours

Eyes riveted on rising contamination curves, the executive has continued to urge deputies to validate his bill in the face of the “seriousness of the situation”, according to the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran . Nearly 22,000 cases have been identified in twenty-four hours, according to figures from Public Health France published Thursday evening, the highest since May 5. “We are in a race against time (…) Faced with this situation, the adaptation of our system is essential”, declared the boss of LREM deputies, Christophe Castaner.

The bill also provides for compulsory isolation for the sick. The government passed amendments to avoid loss of income for lone workers due to their contamination.

At the very end of the discussions, around 5 a.m., the government returned to two amendments voted during the examination of the text with a new vote which notably remitted the obligation of the health pass for non-urgent patients or visitors. in health establishments and retirement homes.

New event to come

“The vaccine, we debate it, the pass, we do not want it” was the slogan of a demonstration of 200 people Thursday in Paris in front of the Senate, at the call of François Asselineau (UPR). A new demonstration against the health pass is scheduled for Saturday in Paris, Place du Trocadéro.

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