The European Commission shows its support for France in its conflict with the United Kingdom

In its standoff between it and London over the migrant crisis, Paris knows that it can count on Brussels and even more since Brexit. The Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas thus estimated on Saturday that the United Kingdom is responsible for solving its problems relating to the influx of migrants.

The United Kingdom “has left the European Union”, as a result it “must now decide how to organize the management of border control,” Margaritis Schinas told reporters on the Greek island of Kos. “If I remember correctly, the main slogan of the referendum campaign (on Brexit) was’ We take back control”, added the one who coordinates a new pact on migration and asylum. “Since the United Kingdom has regained control, it is up to the British to find the necessary measures to operationalize the control they have taken over.”

The letter that ulcers Paris

The migrant crisis escalated dramatically after the sinking of a boat in the English Channel on Wednesday that killed 27 migrants. Tensions between France and the UK have escalated further after a letter from British Prime Minister Boris Johnson posted on Twitter, asking France to take back migrants arriving in Britain. “I am surprised at the methods when they are not serious,” said French President Emmanuel Macron, when asked about this letter.

The Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin for his part canceled the visit this Sunday in Calais of his British counterpart Priti Patel who was to participate in a crisis meeting on migrants. The meeting will take place in the presence of the ministers responsible for Belgian, German and Dutch immigration, as well as the European Commission.

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