the Elysée announces a Biden-Putin meeting, the Kremlin considers that it is “premature” to speak of a summit

While the French presidency was pleased to bring together the American and Russian presidents, Russia simply mentioned “an agreement on the fact of having to continue the dialogue”.

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Towards a way out of the crisis? Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden have agreed to meet at a summit proposed by Emmanuel Macron, welcomed the Elysée in a press release, monday february 21. She specifies that the talks will subsequently be extended to “all stakeholders” to the Ukrainian crisis. VSThis surprise announcement then intervened that a war was said to be imminent.

The Kremlin nevertheless ruled on Monday “premature” to talk about a summit of presidents. “There is an agreement on the fact of having to continue the dialogue. Talking about concrete plans for organizing summits is premature”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. However, he believes that“a meeting is possible if the heads of state deem it useful”.

Moreover, any vertex “can only stand if Russia does not invade Ukraine”, warned the French presidency. The President of the United States will meet his Russian counterpart “if an invasion has not taken place”confirmed the White House.

United States “pledge to continue diplomacy until such time as an invasion begins”explained in a press release the spokeswoman for the White House. “We are also prepared to inflict swift and severe consequences if Russia chooses war instead.”warned Jen Psaki.

The content of a possible summit will be prepared by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov during their meeting scheduled for next Thursday, according to the Elysée.

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