The Donges refinery in turn joins the strike

The movement seems to harden further. From Wednesday morning, 5 a.m., the refiners’ strike should extend to the TotalEnergies refinery in Donges (Loire-Atlantique), near Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), we learned on Tuesday from the CGT, which launched a call to mobilize.

“What makes us react: there are two points, declared the union secretary at the Donges refinery, Fabien Privé Saint-Lanne, confirming information from Press-Ocean. Firstly, Total’s complete blockage of the discussions and demands of our colleagues from other establishments for nearly three weeks now (…) And secondly, requisitions which have just been carried out by Elisabeth Borne within Exxon, which are an attack on the constitutional right to strike”

The Prime Minister announced on Tuesday the requisition of striking personnel to unblock Esso-ExxonMobil fuel depots.

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