The documentary on the TikTok sect that boosts the popularity of its members

A TikTok dance, as innocent as it seems, can hide secrets… The documentary series Dance with the Devil, released on May 29 on Netflix, proves it. You may have already seen a dance video of Miranda Derrick (3 million subscribers) or James Derrick (8 million subscribers), beautifully dressed to old school music. But behind their beautiful smiles is actually the 7M Films agency. Far from being a classic agency, it is run by a pastor named Robert Shinn. And beyond that, this agency is accused of being linked to a cult, the “Shekinah Church”, whose leader is accused of sexual violence, manipulation and extortion.

In the documentary broadcast on the platform, the testimonies of Konkrete, Beyoncé’s dancer, Kylie Douglas, choreographer, or even Aubrey Fisher, favorite dancer of stars like Will Smith or Cardi B, reveal their past as members of the sulphurous agency . One would think that these revelations would ruin the careers of those who chose to stay? And yet, surprise! Their number of subscribers explodes, propelled by unhealthy curiosity.

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TikTok stars under the influence

This three-episode series reveals the dark secrets of Pastor Robert Shinn, who promises fame through his agency 7M Films. We follow the Wilkings family, one of whose daughters, once inseparable from her sister with whom she creates TikTok content, fell into the clutches of this alleged cult. The family gradually lost contact with her. Seeking to combine her Christian faith and her passion for social media, she joined 7M Films with her boyfriend, thinking she had found the perfect agency.

Pastor Shinn, head of the Shekinah Church, asks his followers to break away from their loved ones and blindly follow his orders when it comes to their spending, relationships, online content, and even their lifestyle.

Even today, the Wilkings family fights to get their daughter back, still under the influence of this controversial group. A chilling story that shows how the quest for fame can lead to dangerous paths.

No condemnation, but more views…

On social networks, the dancers of the 7M Films agency are in the spotlight, with a surprising increase in their subscribers and views. Internet users have given themselves a mission: to get them out of the supposed influence of their leader.

In response to the documentary, the agency threatened to sue Netflix for its “slanderous fiction”. On June 10, Miranda Derrick said she could no longer stay in touch with her family because of the accusations against her mentor. She claims to have received death and kidnapping threats since the documentary was broadcast, sparking sadness and anger among her fans.

Some try to save her, while others criticize her for not denouncing the excesses of her agency. Result: an increase in subscriptions and interactions, fueled by unhealthy curiosity.

Despite the success of the documentary, Miranda Derrick continues to post her dance videos on Instagram, while limiting comments, as does her husband. Meanwhile, Robert Shinn, at the heart of the accusations, remains free and could face a civil trial before 2025.

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