The demands of the ministry deemed “unacceptable” by the unions

The Ministry of Education presented Wednesday to the unions its proposals on the “pact” part of the increase in teachers’ salaries, which provides for new missions, but they consider them “unacceptable”. The consultations on the increases in teacher salaries promised by President Emmanuel Macron resumed in January, after a first phase in the fall.

Pap Ndiaye had indicated last week that the “pact” part would correspond to an “annual volume of approximately 72 hours” of additional tasks, which would allow volunteer teachers to “earn 10% more compared to the average salary”, or 3,650 euros per year. Among the additional tasks are missions “related to short-term replacements” or other “guidance and support for students” etc., the minister explained.

New assignments

According to the proposals presented on Wednesday, in the second degree (college and high school), “a teacher who commits to the pact will necessarily have a part of his working time devoted to short-term replacements”, we indicate to the ministry. . In each establishment, “there will be a needs analysis carried out at the end of the previous school year”, and each teacher will be assigned missions.

In the first degree (kindergarten and elementary), part of these new missions will be linked to the creation, announced by the Minister, of one hour of support in French or maths in 6th grade class which will be provided in particular by teachers from schools.

In addition to these interventions in college, other missions may be linked to inclusive schooling, such as acting as a “referent” for a student with a disability over several years of his or her schooling. Teachers could also participate in refresher hours during the holidays as part of the “learning holidays” scheme.

” Work more to earn more “

But for the unions, “as it stands, the pact is unacceptable,” Gilles Langlois, national secretary of SE-Unsa, told AFP. “We can see that the old moon of ‘working more to earn more’ is very present in the order placed by the government”, he adds.

“There is a political project behind which is to transform our professions by multiplying the missions”, adds Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the first secondary school union, for whom this pact is “a real gas works in the organization “. For Guislaine David, general secretary of Snuipp-FSU, the main primary union, the ministry is “completely disconnected from the realities on the ground”.

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