The decline continues in the hospital and in the intensive care units

The decline in coronavirus patients continues in hospital and in intensive care units, confirming a clear improvement since the beginning of the month,
according to statistics published by Public Health France, this Thursday.

The number of hospitalized patients fell to 8,237 from 8,414 the day before, with 301 admissions. They were around 11,000 at the start of September.

Over 115,000 deaths

Critical care services, which treat the most serious cases, have received 71 new patients in the past 24 hours. In total, there are 1,609 Covid-19 patients in these services, against 1,656 on Wednesday and 2,294 on September 1. The number of cases detected in 24 hours is 6,229 and the positivity rate is 1.4% (against 2.6% at the beginning of September).

France has recorded since the start of the epidemic, in early 2020, 116,371 deaths, including 89,556 in hospital, and 63 in the last 24 hours. Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 50,249,948 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 74.5% of the total population) and 47,988,307 people now have a complete vaccination schedule, i.e. 71.2% of the total population, according to the Directorate General of Health.

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