The decline continues in intensive care units

Two caregivers move a dialysis machine to the Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis. – Marin Driguez / SIPA

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in France continued to decline on Monday, with also a continued decline in intensive care units where 2,945 patients are being treated, according to data from Public Health France. On Monday, 140 additional people were counted in these critical care services which treat the most seriously ill patients, including those in intensive care beds.

The number of patients with Covid-19 and hospitalized in critical care services fell below 3,000 on Sunday, for the first time since the end of January. At the height of the third wave, between mid-April and early May, it had remained around 6,000 patients. In total, 16,596 Covid patients were hospitalized in France on Monday, including 529 admitted in the last 24 hours, against 16,775 the day before.

Nearly 110,000 deaths since the start of the epidemic

At the hospital, 126 Covid patients died in the last 24 hours, according to the health agency. Covid-19 disease has caused 109,557 deaths since the start of the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic in March 2020.

Our file on the coronavirus

The daily number of positive cases was at a very low level, with 1,211 cases over 24 hours (compared to 8,541 the day before). A figure largely explained by the fact that the tests are very little practiced on Sunday, but which remains nonetheless decreasing from one Monday to the next. The positivity rate, which measures the proportion of infected people compared to those who have been tested, is stable at 3.2%.

In terms of vaccination, open since Monday to the entire adult population, 25,763,596 people have received at least one first dose (38.5% of the total population and 49.1% of the adult population) , according to the Department of Health. And in total, 10,971,772 people received two injections, or 16.4% of the total population and 20.9% of the adult population.

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