The decline continues in intensive care units

In the intensive care unit of Delafontaine hospital in Saint-Denis, April 16, 2021 (illustration). – Marin Driguez / SIPA

Statistical data continues to allow the situation on the coronavirus fight front to be viewed with optimism. The number of Covid-19 patients in French hospitals continues to slowly decline, including in intensive care units, according to data released Monday by Public Health France (SpF).

Hospitals in France are currently receiving 19,701 Covid-19 patients (against 19,720 the day before), including 260 admitted in the past 24 hours. This figure fell below 20,000 on Saturday, for the first time since October 27. In the critical care services, which house the most seriously ill patients, there were 3,496 patients (against 3,515 the day before), including 66 recently admitted (73 the day before).

More than 108,000 deaths since the start of the epidemic

This figure had remained around 5,900 to 6,000 during the second half of April, the peak of the third wave, before falling sharply since early May. Thus, over seven days, SpF reports 4,018 hospital admissions, including 994 in critical care services. A total of 62 people have died from Covid-19 in hospital in the past 24 hours (70 according to data published on Sunday), the total death toll reaching 108,687 deaths since the start of the epidemic.

In terms of contamination, 2,229 positive cases were recorded over 24 hours, for a test positivity rate (number of positive people, compared to the total number of people tested) down to 3.6%, against 3.8% on Sunday . Finally, concerning vaccination, 23,335,997 people received a first injection since the start of the vaccination campaign, and 9,738,741 two injections, according to the Directorate General of Health.

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