The decline continues in intensive care units

A patient hospitalized in intensive care at Delafontaine hospital, in Saint-Denis. – Marin Driguez / SIPA

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care services continued to drop on Wednesday, dropping below the 4,000 mark, while France returns to terraces and cultural places. The number of people in critical care is 3,862, with 168 new admissions in the last 24 hours, according to Public Health France.

This figure had remained around 5,900 to 6,000 during the second half of April, the peak of the third wave, before falling sharply since early May. The total number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients is 21,347, with 712 new admissions.

Over 140 deaths in 24 hours

The number of new hospital deaths stands at 141, bringing the total to 108,210 people since March 2020, when the epidemic began. The number of cases of contamination is 19,050 Wednesday, with a test positivity rate stable at 4.5%.

Our file on the coronavirus

Regarding vaccination, 21,555,516 people received a first injection and 9,260,992 two injections, according to the Directorate General of Health. The government is targeting 30 million first injections by mid-June.

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