The creator of the anti-Semitic site indicted and placed under judicial control

The creator of an anti-Semitic site listing personalities of Jewish faith or presented as such, was indicted on Saturday, the Paris prosecutor’s office said on Sunday, confirming information from the Parisian. Samuel Goujon, founder of the site “They’re everywhere”, was indicted in particular for “public insult on the grounds of origin, belonging to an ethnic group, a race or a religion” and “public provocation to discrimination , hatred or violence ”and“ public provocation to commit willful attacks on life ”. He was placed under judicial supervision.

On August 10, when numerous reports had been sent to Pharos – the platform allowing Internet users to report content on the Internet that they believe to be illegal – the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin announced that he had made a report to the prosecutor so that proceedings are initiated against the authors of the site and that it be closed “as quickly as possible”.

The site has been around for at least 2020

The “online hate” pole of the public prosecutor’s office had opened an investigation, entrusting the investigations to the Personal Crime Repression Brigade (BRDP). The site, which is no longer accessible, claimed to present a “duly verified census of French and international personalities” of Jewish faith, according to their membership in politics, the media, culture and the economy. Each of them is associated with a photograph and a short biography.

The name of the site is a reference to the weekly “Je suis partout”, the main collaborationist and anti-Semitic press title in France under the Nazi occupation (1940-1944). The site, which has existed since at least 2020, is also associated with several links to accounts on social networks, in particular the Russian VKontakte, the American – ultraconservative and conspiratorial – Gab, the “Russian Google” Yandex, or on the Telegram instant messaging.

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