“The civil servants’ index point will be unfrozen before the summer”, according to Amélie de Montchalin

This is a first since February 2017. The value of the index point, which is used to calculate the remuneration of nearly 5.7 million public officials, will be unfrozen “before the summer”, indicated Amélie de Montchalin , the Minister of Transformation and the Public Service, this Monday in an interview with our colleagues from the newspaper The Parisian.

An effective decision “before the summer”

This salary increase will be included in an amending finance law, which will have to be voted on in Parliament this summer, after the presidential election. “The decision is taken today, we are going to launch discussions with all the stakeholders (…) in order to allow it to be effective as we want before the summer”, declared the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, which had until now favored more targeted upgrading measures.

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