The city will host the first Mondial de la praline in 2022

Illustrative photo of a praline brioche. – JOEL SAGET / AFP

This new culinary competition could not take place elsewhere. The city of Lyon will host next year the first Mondial de la praline, which officially announced the project on Tuesday. This sweet and pink sweetness, clearly inscribed in Lyon’s gastronomic heritage, will indeed be in the spotlight in the Rhône in 2022. The competition will be aimed on the one hand at professionals in bakery, pastry making and catering, and on the other share with apprentices from these same trades in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

They will all aim for the coronation of the best recipe for praline tart, praline brioche, and an original creation around the praline. This Mondial, at the initiative of two Lyon players, Alain Verdellet (Melbourne communication agency) and Pierre-Yves Gas (Plein Gas agency), will take place every two years.

Registrations will take place next January, before a pre-selection in the spring. Then the final will take place in October 2022 in Lyon, where facing a jury made up of professionals (including the best workers in France), the first six world praline champions will be consecrated.

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