The broken Bafög system – economy

For the third month in a row, no Bafög funding has arrived in Anastasia Schmidt’s account. As a rule, she says she waits around four months for her Bafög decision. The 25-year-old is studying business informatics for a bachelor’s degree in Berlin. She is the first in her family to study; her parents can only support her financially with child benefit. Theoretically, she receives the maximum rate of the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bafög) – 934 euros every month. But because she also works as a working student, a small share is deducted from her. With these 15 hours every week, Schmidt also bridges the time while her application is still being examined. If she has stated everything correctly, she will also receive the money that has not arrived in the past three months. “But an additional payment doesn’t help me. I need the money immediately – for rent and for food,” she says.

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