The boy with no name: children’s corpses from the Danube are riddles – Bavaria

Seven months ago, a child’s corpse appeared in the Danube, wrapped in plastic. The police are trying everything to clarify the identity of the boy – but why is nobody missing him?


Lisa Schnell, Grossmehring

Anita Hemm, 47, is walking her dog along the Danube, the sun is reflected in the water, the snow is glistening on the stalks, it’s a glorious winter’s day – and then there’s this poster: it shows a boy’s head, blue eyes , full lips, he looks straight at you. “He looks cute,” says Hemm. And then: “It’s so sad.” Next to the boy is written in red letters: “Child’s corpse from the Danube.” And the police phone number for leads. Almost every day she walks along the shore where the boy was found, but she doesn’t know him, nobody seems to know him. “Doesn’t he have a mother, grandma, aunt?”

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