the booster dose will be mandatory for caregivers and firefighters from January 30

This is the continuity of the vaccine obligation against Covid-19 for caregivers and firefighters, which entered into force on September 15. These professionals must have received their booster dose before January 30 to continue working, announced the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, Saturday December 18 on France Inter.

“We don’t want it to be like in Scotland, with 25 or 30% of caregivers who could not work because they are in contact and therefore in quarantine, he added. We have several hospital clusters of the Omicron variant, particularly in the Paris region. “

According to the latest epidemiological bulletin from Public Health France, posted on December 16, “The percentage of professionals working in nursing homes [établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes] or USLD [unités de soins de longue durée] eligible for the booster dose on December 14, 2021 and having actually received it is 54.6%. This percentage is 76.3% for liberal health professionals and 64.4% for salaried professionals. “

By comparison with the rest of the general population: “On December 14, 2021, the estimate of vaccine coverage from the Covid vaccine was 78% for at least one dose, 76.4% for a complete vaccination and 23.8% for the booster. Among those aged 65 and over, 60.5% had received a booster dose and 82% of those who were eligible for the booster on that date had actually received it. “

Expected opinion on the vaccination of 5-11 year olds

“If all goes well, on the 22nd of the afternoon we will start the vaccination of children in centers adapted for children”, also declared the Minister of Health on France inter. “The High Authority for Health will issue its conclusions at the very beginning of the week and will tell us, in all likelihood, that we can go there”, the minister said.

The National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) gave a favorable opinion on Friday for this age group who is not affected by the health pass or the future vaccination pass.

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Friday a series of measures against the fifth wave of Covid-19, including a bill so that “Only vaccination [soit] valid in the past » sanitary. The head of government said to assume “Put the strain on the unvaccinated”.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Covid-19: with the creation of a “vaccine pass”, the government puts pressure on the unvaccinated

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