“The big number among young people is above all that of abstention”

“Shame”, “sectarianism”: strong reactions to LFI after the rejection of the candidacies of Danièle Simonnet, Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière

The decision not to invest Danielle Simonnet, elected in Paris, as well as Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière, deputies from Seine-Saint-Denis, who embody discordant voices within La France insoumise (LFI), associated with the parallel investiture by Adrien Quatennens, provokes a lot of reaction.

The outgoing MP (LFI, Somme) François Ruffin was moved by the fate of his colleagues : “I have not fallen under the caudal forks of your stupidity, your sectarianism. You prefer a man who hits his wife, perpetrator of domestic violence, to comrades who have the impudence to have a disagreement with the great leader. Our democracy deserves better than you. »

MP Clémentine Autain also made a virulent attack against LFI. “To rebellious France, it is better to have been convicted of domestic violence than to have defended democracy, demonstrated against anti-Semitism after October 7 and pleaded for the union of the left and environmentalists,” she writes on the X network.

“Purge people who are not linemen but keep Quatennens, that says a lot about your methods and your relationship 1) to feminism, 2) to disagreements”added ecologist Marie-Charlotte Garin.

Environmentalist senator Yannick Jadot also protested on. “The Popular Front cannot rely on purely unacceptable methods”he declared, announcing that he ” support[t] leaving them everywhere as provided for in the agreement”.

The outgoing “rebellious” deputies Hendrik Davi (Bouches-du-Rhône) and Frédéric Mathieu (Ille-et-Vilaine) were also not invested. Mr. Davi reacted by speaking of a decision which lacks “decency”.

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