The beast of Gévaudan, an unsolved mystery

Welcome to “Mysteries from here”, the summer podcast series Summer in your ears devoted to extraordinary stories, tales and legends… From
Aix en Provence To
Gauchin-Le-Gal Passing by
Rennes-le-Chateau, guides, historians and storytellers tell you the mysteries of our regions. These stories bring together History, local identity, collective fears, sometimes desires …

For this new episode, let’s follow in the footsteps of the “beast of Gévaudan”. One or more animals, whose nature we still do not know precisely, are at the origin of a series of attacks against people between 1764 and 1767, in the former country of Gévaudan, in Lozère. Between 88 and 124 attacks, often fatal, were recorded, most often against children and adolescents. Gray areas surround this story, and many theories and controversies have developed about the “beast”. This is what tells in this episode Valentine Schira, guide lecturer. The Beast of Gévaudan has inspired a number of writings, films, and a
Museum in Haute-Loire bears his name.

You can listen to the story and explanations by Valentine Schira for free in the audio player above. “Mysteries from here” is a series from the podcast “Summer in your ears”. You can subscribe for free on Apple podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Google podcast, or your favorite podcast app. You will also find the sixty or so episodes already broadcast. Please feel free to support us, sending us stars and comments on these listening platforms.

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