The autopsy of the octogenarians found in their car reveals a death by drowning

The autopsy of the bodies of the two octogenarians from Roubaix found on Wednesday evening in a canal in Saint-Saulve, near Valenciennes, concluded that they died by drowning, the Lille prosecutor’s office said on Saturday.

“The autopsy of the two bodies did not show any suspicious element and concluded that they died by drowning,” Lille prosecutor Carole Etienne said in a statement. “Additional expertise is underway,” she added. “The investigation is continuing. »

The bodies of the couple missing since January 1 were found in their Citroën C3, immersed in the canal, early Wednesday evening. The place where the car was located is outside the route between the town of Mairieux, near Maubeuge, from where the retirees left by car on January 1 and their destination of Roubaix, where their home is located. An investigation had been opened on January 5 after the report of this disappearance by the sister of the spouse. A call for witnesses was launched on January 9.

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