The autopsy of the body found in the Dordogne confirms “a violent death by drowning”

A judicial investigation against X for acts of “assassination” was opened after the discovery on Friday of a body in the Dordogne, at the level of the Tuilières hydroelectric dam. The prosecutor’s offices of Périgueux and Bergerac announced Tuesday in a joint press release that the victim is “a man between 30 and 40 years old” and that “the first conclusions of the autopsy retain the hypothesis of a violent death by drowning, confirming the intervention of a third party. »

The victim was tied up before being thrown into the water, precise South West. Other technical investigations are in progress “in order to better specify the circumstances and the seniority of the death. »

The identity of the victim “being confirmed”

The investigation was opened on Saturday by the Bergerac public prosecutor’s office, but the direction was entrusted to the Périgueux public prosecutor’s office on Tuesday, the criminal investigation center for the Dordogne. The investigations are carried out by the research section of Bordeaux and the research brigade of Bergerac.

The body of the man, whose identity “is being confirmed”, was found on Friday at the start of the afternoon by EDF agents in the Tuilières dam in Saint-Capraise-de-Lalinde, at a fifteen kilometers east of Bergerac.

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