The astonishing images of an encounter with the bear Sorita to “demonstrate” that “the bear flees from humans”

Sorita takes off, without asking for anything else, or seeking confrontation. The pro-plantigrade association Pays de L’Ours-Adet broadcast a Thursday video “exceptional” captured this month of May in the Pyrenees, more precisely in the Ossau valley (Pyrénées-Atlantiques).

The video was filmed by Hervé L., a regular bear visitor since he was in the area to check his “automatic cameras” and knew that Sorita and his “teenagers” in the process of emancipation were lurking in the area. “After seeing the bear, Hervé made sure that no male was following her. Being up high, he continued to observe her. As she approached in his direction, he simply spoke in his male voice. At the first sound, Sorita immediately fled,” describes the association.

The stated aim of this broadcast, with a “documentary” and “educational” scope, is to “show that the bear is fleeing us”. This is probably enough to raise the hackles of anti-bear people in the massif who believe that these animals pose a risk to shepherds and hikers.

Instructions to follow

Moreover, this peaceful meeting at the summit having no statistical value, the friends of the bears hasten to remind us of the usual instructions. You must first remain calm, avoiding screams and sudden movements. You must then signal yourself “by speaking softly” or by clapping your hands. Obviously, you should not try to approach or coax the beast by feeding it. Better to get away from it, if possible, without running and backwards.

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