The Assembly votes to ban the rental of “thermal strainers” in 2028

Illustration of substandard housing. Here in Paris in the 19th arrondissement. – Pouzet / SIPA

The rental of housing “thermal strainers” will be prohibited from 2028, announced the National Assembly on Monday, after a unanimous vote. But the oppositions contest the chosen mechanism, “a trompe-l’oeil ban” via a possible recourse by tenants to justice.

When renewing a lease or re-letting, it will first be prohibited to increase the rent of these homes classified F and G in energy performance, one year after the promulgation of the climate law, first examined. reading by the deputies.

A “false debate” for the government

In 2025 for the G class and from 2028 for the F, they will no longer be part of “decent housing”. According to the government, 1.8 million homes will be banned for renting. As planned, MEPs have extended the measure to classified E housing in 2034, via an amendment by rapporteur Mickaël Nogal (LREM). But oppositions from all sides criticize a “trompe-l’oeil ban” (Vincent Descoeur, LR).

“Do you think that someone who is languishing in unsanitary housing will have a reflex to go and seize the judge? It never happens, ”said socialist Guillaume Garot. Housing Minister Emmanuelle Wargon regretted a “false debate”: “it is a choice of prohibition through a mechanism proposed by the Citizen’s Climate Convention”, with a “legal obligation” to rent out “accommodation decent ”. “If this is not the case, the tenant can appeal to the liability of the lessor, first through a conciliation mechanism and then before the judge,” she said.

A “low carbon fleet in 2050”

A member of the MoDem group, in the majority, François Pupponi recognized “a step forward”, but “everyone knows that sleep merchants can rest easy. A person in an irregular situation who rents a room with his family is not going to file a complaint, that’s where the problem lies ”.

In the afternoon, the Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili defended “one of the major pieces” of the bill. “Today it is one in six homes that can be qualified as a thermal strainer, that means 4.8 million homes in which households are too hot in summer and too cold in winter”. Emmanuelle Wargon underlined the long-term “target”: to have a “low carbon fleet in 2050”, for “old” as well as “new”, with an average of “B”, in terms of energy performance.

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