The algorithms used by the platforms in the sight of China

Turn of the screw against the digital giants. China released a draft regulation on Friday to more strictly regulate the use of algorithms by platforms and social networks. Beijing is concerned about the tech giants’ lack of transparency regarding this practice.

Tools widely used by the behemoths in the sector to ensure their success, algorithms are at the heart of the digital economy and serve as the brains of many applications and services on the Internet. They make it possible in particular to analyze the quantities of information collected on a user and to make automatic recommendations to him according to his habits or preferences.

Users will be able to “deactivate” recommendation algorithms

Under new regulations, digital companies will have to allow their users to “turn off” recommendation algorithms. The latter can “not be used” to “determine prices based on preferences and habits,” said the text published Friday by the Chinese Cyberspace Administration (CAC). The regulations also prohibit the use of algorithm recommendations for minors, in order to prevent any “Internet addiction”.

The algorithms are widely used by video entertainment platforms, such as Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok), an application widely consulted by young Chinese.

Turn of the screw against the digital giants

The Chinese authorities have been particularly intransigent in recent months against the digital giants, for practices hitherto tolerated and widespread. Several behemoths in the sector have been pinned down in particular in terms of personal data, competition and user rights.

China also passed a sweeping law last week to prevent the abusive collection of personal data online by digital giants.

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