The adventurer of TAT Productions confirms the importance of animation cinema in Occitania

She is mischievous, adventurous, wears princess dresses but looks surprisingly like a Lagertha straight out of the series Vikings, in miniature version. This amazing heroine is Pil, the latest from Toulouse animation studios
TAT Productions, the creators of Maurice, the tiger penguin, and his friends from Ace of the Jungle.

This August 11, the animated film by Julien Fournet will tumble into dark rooms. Between two blockbusters, and while the health pass has become complicated, this adventure for young and old will try to find its way. Despite a difficult context, its producers hope to reconnect with viewers who had enjoyed the studio’s previous films in France and internationally, placing them three years in a row in the top 10 of the biggest French successes in France. ‘foreigner. The Adventures of Pil, who has nothing to envy to Rapunzel or Rebel, will be released in nearly 500 theaters in France this summer and have already been sold in 60 countries.

Can compete with any Disney movie, Pil allows to impose even more the company of Jean-François Tosti, David Alaux and Éric Tosti, as a reference in the field of the cartoon. Founded twenty-one years ago, their small business now employs nearly 150 people and produces films costing eight million euros. While remaining in the provinces.

Local roots claimed

The three acolytes have always refused to leave their hometown despite the sirens of the capital. “We are one of the few companies which exports internationally and which produces its films entirely in the provinces when we were told that this would never be possible”, assures Jean-François Tosti. The music of Pil was also composed in Toulouse and the mixing in Montpellier. A regional anchoring which is found even on the screen since the heroine travels in medieval cities inspired by Rocamadour or Carcassonne. And even in the accent of a minstrel who speaks like Francis Cabrel.

Flagship of the sector, the presence of TAT, supported by the regional council and the Toulouse Metropolis, allows the sector to have training schools for these trades which also benefit other creation studios. In its wake, other productions made in Occitanie have been successful this year such as Josep Where Crossing, in totally different styles. “There is a real regional ecosystem, thanks to the proximity we can train here and work here. There are about fifty production companies that make both films and documentaries, which represents 4,000 employees and more than 50 million in economic benefits. Occitanie is only a decoration, it is also a place of creation ”, insists
Karim Ghiyati d’Occitanie films, the regional film and audiovisual agency that drives the sector.

Movies and series

To continue its development, TAT productions has decided to be more regular in its film production, with a second opus by Ace of the Jungle in preparation but also Pets on a train which will be released within three years. Financially, in the event of failure of one of her animated films, she could count on the Aces of the Jungle series which is a hit in France and abroad and allows her to have a financial cushion.

And it is perhaps another series which will continue to establish its notoriety, in France but also abroad. “We were contacted by a large platform to manufacture a series, it is under negotiation”, slips Jean-François Tosti. At a time when video-on-demand companies are making a splash, the arrival of Pil comes at the right time to show the know-how of Occitanie.

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