Tens of thousands protest in Israel for judicial reform

As of: 04/27/2023 9:04 p.m

Up to 100,000 Israelis demonstrated in Jerusalem for the controversial judicial reform – right-wing religious politicians had called for a “demonstration of millions”. Opponents of reform fear that the reform will soon be decided.

Tens of thousands of supporters of the controversial judicial reform in Israel have demonstrated in front of the parliament in Jerusalem. They waved Israeli flags. Posters with the inscription “Reform now” or “The elections will not be stolen from us” could be seen in pictures. Israeli media estimated the number of participants at more than 100,000.

Several politicians from the right-wing religious government around Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously called for a “million demonstration”. “I am deeply moved by the tremendous support from the national camp that has flocked to Jerusalem tonight,” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter:

Criticism of the suspension of the reform

The organizers organized shuttle buses across the country. According to media reports, the protests were also directed against Netanyahu’s decision about a month ago to temporarily suspend the reform project after massive counter-protests.

Netanyahu’s coalition wants to curtail the influence of the Supreme Court. She accuses the court of excessive interference in political decisions. In the future, it should be possible for Parliament to overturn its decisions with a simple majority. In addition, the government is to be given more influence over the appointment of judges.

Critics see Israel’s democracy in danger and warn of a national crisis. Efforts to reach a compromise have so far been unsuccessful.

Israel’s Prime Minister said that a social consensus should first be established.

fear opponents of reform fast track procedure

Parliament’s summer session begins on Sunday. Critics of the reform fear that the government could then push through its plans in the fast track. Netanyahu’s coalition has a majority of 64 of the 120 seats in parliament.

Justice Minister Jariv Levin justified the plans at the rally: “No more inequality, no more one-sided justice system, no court whose judges are above the Knesset and above the government,” he said, according to the Jerusalem Post.

At the same time, he accused the opposition of opposing a compromise. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich promised on the spot: “People are demanding legal reform and they will get legal reform.”

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