Television: “Quatsch Comedy Show” starts on ProSieben

“Quatsch Comedy Show” starts on ProSieben

The “Quatsch Comedy Show” will soon start again on ProSieben – from now on the show will be moderated by Tahnee and Khalid Bounouar. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The “Quatsch Comedy Club” once made stand-up socially acceptable in Germany. After the TV exit, the “Quatsch Comedy Show” follows. Their new moderation duo promises a lot of show and more comedians.

ProSieben wants to build on old successes with the “Quatsch Comedy Club” and is presenting the “Quatsch Comedy Show” starting tomorrow. The new format is hosted by comedy greats Khalid Bounouar and Tahnee. “It’s nice that the nonsense is back on ProSieben, even on such a prominent broadcast slot,” Tahnee told the German Press Agency.

Especially in such difficult times, a little lightness is important. “We want the audience to be taken out of their everyday lives. The show is absolutely varied and it feels like something new happens every two or three minutes,” explained the 32-year-old. “We use different colors of humor, that’s the great thing about a mixed show.”

In their first show, the moderation duo welcomes the stand-up comedians Chris Tall, Marcel Kösling, Osan Yaran and Ingmar Stadelmann. The latter also occurs together with Ilka Bessin in a separate section.

“Quatsch Comedy” first appeared on ProSieben in 1997

The “Nonsense Comedy” cosmos goes back to a stage show by entertainer Thomas Hermanns that began in Hamburg in 1992. Hermanns has made the US concept of stand-up comedy socially acceptable in this country. With the shows, which were later broadcast on television, many well-known comedians became big, including Carolin Kebekus, Dieter Nuhr and Ilka Bessin. The “Quatsch Comedy Club” moved to Berlin in the 90s. The stage shows are still there today.

The program was initially shown on the screen on the pay channel Premiere, then from 1997 on ProSieben. For a while, the format was extremely image-generating for the station. Recently, however, only a few special editions of the “Quatsch Comedy Club” could be seen there. Thomas Hermanns said goodbye in December 2022.

“The fact that Thomas Hermanns decided to hand over the scepter and say that someone else will do it now takes courage and that honors us,” said Bounouar, who, like Tahnee, used to appear in the “Quatsch Comedy Club”.

Of course, the spirit of the “Quatsch Comedy Club” runs through the show, added Tahnee. “We are continuing an existing brand and are therefore not reinventing the wheel, but rather supplementing it with show elements and thereby making it even more colorful.” What’s new is a challenge at the end of every show, in which the guests have to spontaneously fire off gags in an improv game.


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