Technology: Amazon joins AI start-up Anthropic

Amazon joins AI start-up Anthropic

Amazon also develops its own AI language models. photo

© Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa

Amazon is catching up with Microsoft and investing in an AI start-up. Why this partnership should be profitable.

After Microsoft, Amazon is also signing a billion-dollar pact with an AI start-up. The world’s largest online retailer will invest up to four billion dollars in the company Anthropic, which develops the chatbot Claude. At the same time will Amazon’s subsidiary AWS will become the central provider of cloud infrastructure for Anthropic, as the companies announced.

The language models of chatbots with artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT require a lot of computing power, which is expensive. That’s why partnerships with cloud heavyweights like Microsoft or Amazon are particularly valuable for young AI companies.

The tech giants can in turn benefit from innovations from start-ups. Microsoft invested in the ChatGPT developer OpenAI and integrated AI software based on its technology into its products from Windows to Office.

Amazon is a pioneer in voice assistants with its Alexa software. The company has since developed its own AI language models to make conversations with Alexa more fluid and efficient.


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