Teachers in Bavaria: outrage over “bush allowance” in remote regions – Bavaria

In retrospect, of course, it would have been better if Toni Schuberl had kept his outrage behind, well, Busch. But he hasn’t. He wrote an angry letter to the head of the state chancellery, Florian Herrmann (CSU), telling him that he was really “very shocked” about his choice of words. What happened? The Green member of the state parliament Schuberl had read in the newspaper about a press conference in which Herrmann spoke about the lack of teachers – and had stumbled across this sentence: “A kind of ‘bush allowance’ is intended (…) to counteract the shortage of teachers in less attractive regions of the Free State become.” I’m sorry, what?!

Irritating enough that a CSU politician speaks of “less attractive regions” in Bavaria. But then this word: bush allowance. So teachers from the civilized areas of the Free State are supposed to get compensation for moving over to the godforsaken zone border areas on the Bavarian world ass, can Herrmann really mean that seriously? Well, of course, Schuberl thought, that’s why he was outraged. As a reminder: in the 1990s, civil servants in the West who were willing to move to what was then the new federal states, East, received the so-called “bush allowance”. Even then, this word was quite impertinent.

Especially today, found Toni Schuberl, who lives in the Bavarian Forest, a really very attractive region in the Free State, especially in terms of the landscape. Schuberl still felt addressed by the bush allowance rate. In his letter to Florian Hermann, the Greens politician complained that he would not allow anyone to call the Bavarian Forest a bush. Schuberl didn’t know then that the “bush allowance” wasn’t the choice of words by the head of the state chancellery, but by the news editor, who, however, hadn’t said a word about the Bavarian Forest. Well, stupid.

Incidentally, Schuberl did not withdraw his outrage, but redirected it “to the appropriate media,” as he says. But well, the misunderstanding has been clarified, through detours it somehow got through to Schuberl who was the real originator of the term. At least the bush radio works in Bavaria.

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