Taxes: Owners’ Association: “State failure” in property tax reform

Owners’ association: “State failure” in property tax reform

From 2025, property tax will be calculated according to new rules - but it is still completely unclear who pays how much. (Archive image) Photo: B

From 2025, property tax will be calculated according to new rules – but it is still completely unclear who pays how much. (archive image) photo

© Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

How much property tax will be due next year? Many homeowners don’t know this yet.

A new property tax calculation will come into effect in a few months – but the majority of property owners know loudly Owners’ Association House and Land still don’t know how expensive it will be. Association president Kai Warnecke told “Bild am Sonntag”: “Around 90 percent of households do not yet know how much property tax they will have to pay next year. This is absurd and a real state failure, after all the state had almost six years to reform. ”

Warnecke warned that millions of households would have to expect significantly higher costs. In view of the empty municipal coffers, the municipalities could borrow more. The additional burden could even be more than 1000 euros per year.

Property tax is one of the largest sources of income for municipalities. Their height depends not only on the property and the building, but also significantly on the place of residence. Ultimately, the municipal assessment rate determines how much you pay. For houses with the same valuation, 100 euros in property tax can be due in one municipality and around 1,000 euros in another.


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