“Tatort: ​​Everything comes back”: How is the Furtwängler-Lindenberg crime thriller?

“Tatort: ​​Everything comes back”
How is the Furtwängler-Lindenberg thriller?

“Tatort: ​​Everything comes back”: Charlotte Lindholm (Maria Furtwängler) meets several Udo in “Tatort: ​​Everything comes back”.

© NDR / Frizzi Kurkhaus

In “Tatort: ​​Everything Comes Back”, Charlotte Lindholm is suspected of murder. Is it worth tuning in to a crime thriller with Udo Lindenberg?

On Boxing Day (December 26), ARD sends Charlotte Lindholm (Maria Furtwängler, 55) on a hunt for criminals – but not in Göttingen; In the “Tatort: ​​Everything comes back” (8:15 pm, the first) she has to solve a murder in Hamburg. In the port city, she stays at the Hotel Atlantic, where she meets a very special regular guest: Udo Lindenberg (75) can not only be seen, but also heard – several times …

This is what the “Tatort: ​​Everything Comes Back” is about

Commissioner Charlotte Lindholm travels privately from Göttingen to Hamburg to meet secretly with a man in a hotel. But when she arrives, he is dead – and the investigator is suspect. Was the murderer one of the Udo Lindenberg doppelgangers who are currently populating the hotel because of a casting?

Lindholm does not trust her fellow police officers in Hamburg and continues to investigate on her own. In doing so, she comes across clues that the murder may have been a trap. Maybe an act of revenge on the Commissioner? A dangerous game of cat and mouse begins.

Is it worth switching on?

Yes. Not only because cult director Detlev Buck (59) is making his “Tatort” debut with “Alles geht zurück” and Maria Furtwängler was active as a producer for the first time. As expected, the audience is not served an ordinary case. In typical Buck fashion, the crime thriller is bursting with humorous dialogues, weird characters and crazy situations. The master himself appears and is a wacky brothel owner. And Charlotte Lindholm? In this “crime scene” she is like “Alice in Wonderland”: “How she plunges into the luxury world of the hotel with her beautiful blue dress and suddenly finds herself in a parallel universe full of bizarre characters”, Furtwängler explained in an interview with the broadcaster.

But not only Furtwängler and Buck shine in their roles, the rest of the cast also harmonize perfectly. While Anne Ratte-Polle (47) is the rough and boiled-out investigator Jana Zimmermann, Jens Harzer (49) mimes the quiet and controlled colleague Ruben Delfgau. The two figures form a great contrast to each other – good cop, bad cop is the motto here. And Kida Khodr Ramadan (45), like in almost every Buck film, must of course not be missing in “Alles geht zurück”.

The cult rocker Udo Lindenberg seems to float above all of this. Every now and then he appears like a ghost in the Hotel Atlantic. Which probably roughly corresponds to the reality, after all, the musician has lived there since 1995. The task for screenwriter Uli Brée (born 1964) was to let the characters Udo Lindenberg and Charlotte Lindholm “meet each other as credibly as possible”. However, this only partially succeeds, as some scenes seem too posed. Udo, who sits at the piano in the lobby and sings a song, while Lindholm listens reverently – rather too much of a good thing. Two works from his album “Udopium – Das Beste”, including the title track “Kompass”, Lindenberg belts out in the course of the fall. Certainly a highlight for fans, for everyone else it could feel a bit like commercial breaks …

Another shortcoming: too many questions remain unanswered, because Lindholm’s trip to Hamburg ends too abruptly. Christmas fans should also be prepared for the fact that the thriller has no relation to the festival. Nonetheless, the audience gets to see a slightly different case that is guaranteed to be remembered – and not only among Udo Lindenberg fans.


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