Taliban agree to Afghans leaving country after August 31, Berlin says

Germany said Wednesday it had received assurances from the Taliban that Afghans could leave their country on commercial flights after the final withdrawal of US troops on August 31.

It was a German diplomat, Markus Potzel, who is negotiating with the Taliban who declared it, after a meeting in Qatar. He explained on Twitter: The deputy head of the Taliban political bureau in Qatar Sher Abbas Stanekzai “assured me that Afghans with valid documents will continue to be able to travel on commercial flights after August 31”.

Your salespeople interrupted since August 15

The diplomat, Germany’s special envoy to Afghanistan, said he had discussed “the urgent need” to have “a functioning Kabul airport” as a precondition for the work of NGOs and diplomats in Afghanistan. Since the capture of Kabul by the Taliban on August 15, commercial flights have been interrupted.

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