SZ readers about their city: “Berlin is gray, Munich is pastel”

I moved here from Berlin almost three years ago. When I compare the two cities, Berlin is rough, Munich is gentler, Berlin is gray, Munich is pastel. I miss the sharpness in culture; it’s nicer and more pleasant here. I’ve actually only really gotten to know the city since this year, I arrived in the Corona period.

I am very surprised at how many nature conservation topics can be found in museums. I always hear that too little is being done for green Munich. But there are many environmental issues in culture. And when I organize an exhibition where I expect 20 people, 60 come.

In fact, I’m surprised by how much I like Munich. Funnily enough, it’s a little more charming, which is good for me. Even if the culture is too pleasant for me, the commitment and warmth of the Munich people is nice. I’m homesick, but I don’t regret moving.

And I feel like all generations are out in public. The older generation seems to be hiding in Berlin, but everyone is there here. And it is a city of writers and musicians, amateurs and professionals. You can be more amateur, it’s much more permeable. There are two literary houses in Berlin and that’s it.”

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