SZ podcast: The case of Lina E.: Political justice or left-wing terrorist? – Business

The pictures from November 2020 can still be remembered today: The student Lina E. climbs out of a police helicopter in handcuffs and is brought before the magistrate in Karlsruhe. She is accused of being the leader of a criminal organization. She has now been in court for a year and a half and this week her defense delivered her plea. Impressions of Iris Mayer, who reported from the courtroom for the SZ.

Mayer experienced a woman “with a lot of supporters, with family, with friends who were there.” And that despite “really very, very strict security regulations: Every visitor, every reporter who goes in there is meticulously checked, has to take off their shoes, everything is x-rayed. And a helicopter is circling over the building.” The federal prosecutor’s office is demanding eight years in prison for Lina E. “In their pleading, the defense attorneys asserted above all that the federal prosecutor’s office evaluated every piece of evidence against the accused,” said Mayer.

More news: NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg in Kiev, climate report published by the Copernicus climate monitoring service.

Moderation, editing: Johannes Korsche

Editors: Tami Holderried, Wanda Silberhorn

Production: Benjamin Markthaler

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You can find Iris Mayer’s report from the court, in which she describes the kissing hands and heart gestures, here.

Read Dunja Ramadan’s commentary on the Abitur in NRW and the alternative date this Friday, the day of the Muslim fast-breaking festival, here.

SZ Plus Podcast “German Angst”

More and more people in Germany want to be prepared when a disaster strikes. So far, so reasonable. But there are also people who fear and worry about winning voters or making money. And then there are extremists who want to bring about a day X that could change everything, even through attacks. A podcast research that leads from the forests outside Cottbus to the Bundestag. To right-wing extremists and to people who have infiltrated the suspected terrorist group United Patriots.

Listen to the first episode for free here:

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