SZ podcast: How Germany should heat in the future – economy

In many cases, how we heat our apartments or houses will change very soon. The traffic light coalition has presented a draft law on this. It says: From 2024, all new heating systems must use at least 65% renewable energy. Not only consumers notice what this means in practice, but also heating installers.

Nakissa Salavati from the SZ business editorial team accompanied one of them. She says: “The heating industry is facing the biggest change in decades!”

More news: the Office for the Protection of the Constitution classifies Junge Alternative as far-right, talks between Deutsche Bahn and EVG have failed again.

Moderation, editing: Tami Holderried

Editors: Antonia Franz, Wanda Silberhorn

Production: Jakob Arnu

Additional audio material via ARD.

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Read Lisa Nienhaus’ comment on the Viessmann sale here.

SZ Plus Podcast “German Angst”

More and more people in Germany want to be prepared when a disaster strikes. So far, so reasonable. But there are also people who fear and worry about winning voters or making money. And then there are extremists who want to bring about a day X that could change everything, even through attacks. A podcast research that leads from the forests outside Cottbus to the Bundestag. To right-wing extremists and to people who have infiltrated the suspected terrorist group United Patriots.

Listen to the first episode for free here:

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