Sylt: Fire stops long-distance trains on the way to Westerland

Fire in Elmshorn stops long-distance trains to Sylt

A train stands in Westerland station on Sylt

Things are probably quieter than usual at Westerland train station on Sylt

© Carsten Rehder / DPA

Sylt is currently difficult to reach for holidaymakers arriving by train. The reason is the fire of an electric bus in Elmshorn.

After the fire of an electric bus at Elmshorn station, no long-distance trains will run between Hamburg and Westerland Sylt. But they are scheduled to start again in the afternoon. The long-distance trains from Karlsruhe and Cologne to Westerland are cancelled between Hamburg and Westerland, as Deutsche Bahn announced this morning. Travellers to and from Westerland can switch to regional services. However, they have to change in Elmshorn and Itzehoe.

The railway initially assumed that long-distance trains to and from Westerland would probably be able to run again in the afternoon. Regional services should continue as planned on Wednesday.

Long-distance trains to Sylt will soon run again

For the route from Kiel to Munich and Basel, the railway announced isolated train cancellations between Kiel and Hamburg, but long-distance traffic should largely start up again in the morning, as the railway app showed.

The regional trains were already running again between Hamburg and Kiel in the morning, Deutsche Bahn posted on X. The closure of the route between Elmshorn and Neumünster was lifted when operations began at 4:00 a.m.

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